Line of Duty (Newpointe 911 Series #5)

Line of Duty (Newpointe 911 Series #5)

Kindle Edition
26 May
At the request of her many fans—Terri Blackstock revisits the heroic cast of characters in this fifth book in her best-selling Newpointe 911 series In Line of Duty, a bomb explodes at the Icon International building in New Orleans while lawyer Jill Clark Nichols is in the top floor boardroom. The thirty-story building goes up in flames and fire departments from all around the area are called in. The firefighters from Newpointe are especially concerned since they know Jill is inside the building. Dan, her husband, rushes in to save her. But as firefighters work to evacuate the upper floors of the building, a second and third bomb explode, causing the lower floors to cave in. Firefighters and civilians are buried beneath the rubble. When the smoke finally clears, a count is taken. Jill narrowly escapes the chaos of the explosions and fire only to find Dan missing. Were the bombs the act of a terrorist, or a scheme coming from a heart of greed? Can Jill’s faith carry her through these long days of pain and uncertainty? And will Dan survive this tragedy . . . or sacrifice his life in the line of duty?

Reviews (103)


Just got today and I'm already half way through the book. Its .awesome

Ashley's Redemption

Terri Blackstock really knows how to bring a well written story with giving the readers the plan of salvation. I would recommend this to book to all teenagers strugling with their self worth and their lack of faith.

This book kept me up later than I wanted more than one night.

It was exciting as well as showing us the human emotions of each of the characters in the story. I would definitely recommend this book!

Intense page-turner! God saved my son using this book!

Wow. My son called me to tell me he had accepted Christ. When I asked why, he told me he had read Line of Duty by Terri Blackstock. He told me God had kept pounding on him while he read this book. So I read it. Intense. Page turner. I was sitting on the edge of my seat. I cried, laughed, got mad, felt relief. This book addressed so many situations that believers and nonbelievers alike have to deal with. Awesome book with a spiritual component.

Plenty of Action

I loved the story and how it started of like 911, but showed the peop!e and how tragedy changed them. Good ending too.

pretty scenarios. Looks can be deceiving

A riveting story of courage and adventure, a reminder of the fact that our victories in this world don't always come in neat, pretty scenarios. Looks can be deceiving, and we shouldn't "judge a book by its cover", so to speak. The story line will keep you riveted and reminded of how each and every day is a true GIFT. Sometimes we have to live with tragedy, but with God's help and our faith, we can not only survive, we can thrive! Thanks again, Ms. Blackstock, for a wonderful read!

Great book to read and the other 4 too!

It was very well written. Held your interest and you didn't want to put it down. I wanted to keep reading to find out what happened and who made the bombs. It had a surprise ending and it was sad that so many people had to die. She is a great writer and I have read a lot of her books. I highly recommend her books.

Loved it!

Even though it's science fiction, the message is very real. It doesn't create false expectations that as Christ followers we will live an easy and comfortable life every day. We will endure difficult times, but God is with us to prevail.

Great story

Great author and love the mp3


I loved this entire series and sad that it is the last book. I would recommend reading these in order so that you get to know the different relationships. Can't wait to find another series of Terri's to read.

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