Daily Pisces Horoscope December 28 (28/12)


Feb 19 − Mar 20

Alias: Alias: The Fish

December 28


daily pisces horoscope:

summary pisces daily

Star 10/10

To solve a Rubiks Cube, we sometimes overlook how, if we did every move, twist and turn in reverse, wed end up with a completed Cube. There are times when forward thinking isnt as effective as looking backward for an answer. The sky speaks of you making a helpful and timely discovery by looking at the history of a particular problem rather than trying to push it forward for an answer. Take some time to understand the root cause and youll crack it.


summary pisces tomorrow

Star 8/10

Allow your instincts surrounding what might be possible in a particular area if you invested a little bit of effort to guide you now. What might appear tantalizing but beyond what you believe yourself to be capable of needs and deserves a closer look and even a bit of a nudge. Push aside fear or hesitancy and see what response comes from allowing yourself to get closer to a possibility you feel its best to be a safe or comfortable distance from. The result could actually surprise you.


summary pisces weekly

Star 9/10

Mercury is busy this week, forming links to Neptune, Venus and Mars. In some way, youre being encouraged to reconsider or revive a dream or ambition once close to your heart. One flaw in the plan might surround lack of resources to make it happen but youll likely see thats a temporary obstacle. A process is in motion that you cant let one small obstacle cause a problem. Keep the dream alive and youll soon see how it gains momentum in way that inspires and reassures you.


summary pisces monthly

Star 10/10

The first half of December could see you keeping something connected with your personal life to yourself and as much as you might want to shout from rooftops, youll probably see the benefits of keeping certain cards close to your chest. From the middle of the month, focus turns to home and family matters and changes on both fronts are in the air. Mars then enters your sign from the 19th boosting your confidence and enthusiasm where both might have waned recently.


health pisces daily

Star 7/10

When the planets are in harmony you can expect to feel psychically in tune with what is most important to you. You can sense how important it is for you to exercise before you socialize. When you get your excess energy out at the gym or in a challenging yoga class, for example, you are more likely to say what you mean and mean what you say when you are with your friends. Pay attention to your inner wisdom.


health pisces tomorrow

Star 10/10

Relieve your stress level today with some form of exercise that cheers you up. What you do for your body you also must do for your spirit. Running with friends or taking a funk-aerobics class at your local gym would be great, something to pump up your heart rate as well as your sense of humor. The kind of energy we have comes largely from the activities we choose to participate in - choose something that makes you smile!


health pisces weekly

Star 10/10

Dietary issues could be high on your agenda. You may be going through a range of emotions associated with various foods. You could be tempted by treats and experience a battle of wills. With luck and discipline - and if you can get your partner to diet with you - you can stay on the straight and narrow!


health pisces monthly

Star 10/10

Anything that can enhance your stamina will be good for you this month. Not only is this one of the more hectic times of year but you are also ambitious and eager to carve out your place in the world. All of this requires energy, so try not to take shortcuts in this regard. Eating regular, healthful meals and getting adequate sleep can give you a boost. You may also need to take supplements that enhance cognitive function and physical vitality. Your social life kicks off on December 19, so pencil in a few pampering sessions. Be kind to yourself.s


love pisces daily

Star 7/10

If you have become more than a little tired of a certain relationship, you could take advantage of the days planetary configuration to make sure the message hits home, especially if the person seems to have ignored your previous and very obvious hints. You will be inspired to give them a suggestion that is so crystal clear, they will never darken your door again!


love pisces tomorrow

Star 7/10

If you have had some very trying experiences lately in the romance department, and not been able to attract any of the high-flyers you have had your eye on, you could find that things improve today. You may, however, have to temporarily suspend your inclination to date someone for their status, and really want to go out with them because they are a genuinely nice person.


love pisces weekly

Star 10/10

Who are your true friends? Make sure you know who you can trust, because you dont want to ask the wrong person for advice regarding your love life in the first part of the week. Pay close attention to whats being said about you on social media and do damage control if necessary. Youre a very busy Fish at the end of the week, and theres little time for dating. If you must cancel a date, do it politely.


love pisces monthly

Star 9/10

When Mercury spends time in precise Capricorn, beginning December 2, your emotions arent as prevalent as usual. This is a good time to take care of those lingering sentimental details that have been too emotionally draining to deal with until now. Mars enters your sign on December 19, creating some interesting "opposites attract" energy. You cant help that you find someone attractive whos totally not your type, so why fight it? Explore the possibilities. Uranus leaves its retrograde cycle behind on December 26, and you should fight to do the same with your romantic past. Take steps forward, not backward.


career pisces daily

Star 10/10

While talking on the phone with someone today, make sure that all the details are clear. You may get stuck with the short end of the stick unless you completely understand the full restrictions and conditions associated with the matter at hand.


career pisces tomorrow

Star 8/10

Your sensitive compassion will be balm for others when they come running from an ugly situation in the workplace today. Your insight will help put out the fire that has been raging. Stand back from the flames so that you dont get hurt either.


career pisces weekly

Star 9/10

This is a happy and exuberant period. It favors creating a positive impression and presenting the most optimistic face possible. For some, love could be in the air. Be sure to recognize professional boundaries. You may be challenged by events. Decisions you make now will have more influence than you might first assume. This is a good time to work with focus and polish your skills. Dont let critical or faultfinding people undermine your confidence. You may be working behind the scenes now while other people seem to be losing their minds. A kind of restless energy could bring unexpected and dramatic distractions at a time when youre simply trying to do a good job. This is a very positive time for any new start, particularly in established areas that need revision. This is also the best time to apply for a new job. Do your best to stay organized and on task.


career pisces monthly

Star 8/10

The days surrounding December 13 may find you dealing with an extremely emotional situation at work. Fortunately, youre sensitive enough to handle the challenge well. Keeping your feelings under wraps will give you the upper hand. Never let your rivals see you sweat. The mood will get much lighter as December draws to a close. Make sure to attend a holiday party during the final days of the month. Youll make some valuable business contacts that will increase your earning potential. Use your social network to attract more clients, land a better job, or launch your own company.



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