Calming Treats For Dogs - Anxiety Composure Relief with Suntheanine - Organic Kelp & Valerian Root + L Tryptophan for Dog Stress & Separation Aid in Fireworks, Thunder + Chewing & Barking - 90 Chews

  • A NATURAL FORMULA FOR ANXIETY – Zesty Paws Calming Bites are peanut butter flavored chewable supplements with natural and organic ingredients that help dogs with nervous, anxious, or aggressive behaviors feel calm and comfortable.
  • FEATURES Suntheanine – These calming treats contain 30mg of Suntheanine per chew, which is a pure and GRAS-designated form of L-Theanine that helps stimulate brain waves to promote relaxation with no drowsy effect.
  • HELPS WITH HYPERACTIVE & AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR – Each chew contains Thiamine and Organic Chamomile, which act as a relaxer that can help reduce jumping, biting, and barking from dogs that display aggressive or hyper active tendencies.
  • SOOTHES ANXIETIES – This Calming Bites supplement may encourage natural anti-anxiety support.
  • ADVANCED COMPLEX OF PROVEN INGREDIENTS – These treats contain Organic Ginger Root, L-Tryptophan, and Organic Passion Flower to help minimize outbursts, while Valerian Root reduces scratching, restlessness, paw licking, and chewing.

Have used it for 3 days now with my frenchie who was being aggressive with our other frenchie and let’s just say that the vicious fighting has gone down drastically. We think he has anxiety and I feel almost like now his mind is calmer. He is still himself but so much more focused. We can get his attention easily now. It’s just so much more pleasant in our household. We’re probably going to always keep this in our pantry because if at 3 days we’re already seeing these kinds of results then I think this is really helping him with his anxiety. We also have a boxer and we tried them last night with her and wow. It doesn’t put them to sleep like some other reviewers stated, they are all still hyper but just calmer.

After a friend's dog experienced some calming side effects after beginning a joint supplement that contained CBD's, I decided to try CBD's for my high anxiety dog. Part herding dog, she has put all of her energy for 5 of her 7 years trying to control every other creature on planet earth. Even after starting her on Prescription OCD meds, she still wanted to herd my cats (about as successfully as you would expect), acting as fun police for all dogs and making sure that I did not walk to slowly on hikes. After about 2 weeks of 4 treats a day (2am and 2pm), she has stopped barking at the cats for the mere offense of existing. In addition, when we run in to our human and canine friends on walks she will actually engage with them rather than acting as the sentry guard for the neighborhood. Now, don't get me wrong, this did not change her personality. It did, however, give her the ability to take a deep breath and share her personality while out in public. Other notes: my peanut butter loving dog did not like the peanut butter version of this but does like the turkey one. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because she will eat either with her kibble. But if I wanted to feed them as a treat, the PB would've been a fail for both of my dogs.

I have a 90lb Mastiff/Pitbull mix with very high anxiety. She has always had some anxiety but it hit an all time high when I brought her to my boyfriends house. He has two cats which keeps her on high alert. At bedtime it is impossible to get her to calm down. She would pace, pant, whine, and be up and down all night. I have tried melatonin and Benadryl which would only work for a few hours and then she was up in the middle of the night with the same anxious behavior. I found calming bites online and after reading the reviews I was desperate for some relief. I am sitting here the morning after trying these calming bites to tell you they have changed our lives!! I read about the foul odor although I didn't find the odor to be that bad. My dog ate them up like it was her favorite treat. I gave her 3 bites per the dosing instructions and after about 20 minutes she was laying in her bed peacefully and not looking sedated. She went to sleep and slept THROUGH the night until the morning at her usual morning walk time. I am in shock and totally relieved that I have found the perfect supplement for my dog so that she may get anxiety relief and the restful sleep she needs. I hope this review helps someone in the same situation. **Disclaimer: I am a real customer, I have no affiliations with this company or amazon, I was not paid to write this review.

At first I felt bad giving this to my little dog, but it was much needed. She hears any little sound and its a constant barking for several minutes, can drive you crazy. Kicks in after about 45 min to an hour. Most definitely works, does not change there personality at all, just is a bit more calm and relaxed. LOVE IT

We have a very high anxiety from-the-shelter dog with a difficult past. When she can push through the anxiety, she is the smartest dog I have ever known--learning tricks, words, and commands with ease. Really an amazing dog that probably should have been a working dog if not for her unfortunate start in life. Unfortunately, more than half of her life is overwhelmed with anxiety that is set off by the slightest noise or disruption--for instance, the sound of the blender, or the printer, (or the lightswitch!) or the dreaded knock at the front door will send her into a state of anxiety where she is unable to follow commands and simply pants heavily, barks crazily, and/or paces. When she is in this state, there is no calming her or training her--she's unreachable. We have worked with trainers and vets for years to help her be more comfortable, but lately the issues seemed to be increasing rather than decreasing. We honestly tried this product out of desperation, but it DOES seem to be helping. We have been giving her 2 bites each day so far (in the morning), and might try increasing that. Last night there was a thunderstorm (one of her major triggers) and she actually went to bed and stayed there (panting, but obviously not as agitated as she usually would have been). I thought about slipping her an extra Calming Bite during the storm, but honestly the improvement was so great that I didn't want to interrupt her doing so well on her own. I do not notice her sleeping more or acting more sleepy--she just seems slightly more chilled out and more able to listen. I'm looking forward to doing some more trial-and-error and discovering more about how we might be able to utilize this product to reduce her reactions and re-train her responses. Also, we have no problem with her taking them -- she views them as a treat.

I wanted to wait a bit before posting a review because that's what the other reviews said as it would take a couple of weeks to notice any changes; however.... we could tell the difference in our 10 year old pit mix right away. She's usually very uptight, stressed, anxious, fearful, etc... all the time (more so now that she's an "elderbull"). She's a rescue that we've had since she was 3 months old. She can be hit or miss with other dogs as she never learned how to socialize properly due to being found at a few weeks old & then never learning while in foster care. It's always been bearable & we've always worked through it with patience, but it's become more amplified as she's grown older. Now, with the Calming Bites, she's so MUCH more calm, relaxed, & carefree. She's normally fearful of other dogs, but seems to not even notice other dogs on walks. We went to the vet today for our annual visit & stopped by the doggie bakery on the way, then the pet store on the way home. I can't even explain how excited I was at how well she did at all 3 stops. She met several dogs, 1 was a K9 officer dog, & she did NOT react to any of them, even when the K9 was within inches of her. She even wanted to smell another dog....she never does that. I'm so happy she's back to being a normal dog!!! It's like she's a puppy / young dog again. We are also using the 5-in-1 Multi-Vitamin with her & our other pit bull. We give her 2 Calming Chews in the morning & then 2 Multi-Vitamins in the afternoon.

These work perfectly for my pup. He has very bad anxiety when I leave the house. I was very hesitant to put him on the meds the vet suggested not only because they were ridiculously expensive but because of ll the horrible reviews I read. These definitely seemed to calm my pup down and I haven't seen any negative side effects. Except that he wants to them all the time lol. I would suggest everyone try these before putting your furbaby on any harsh pharmaceuticals.

Oh My God. These are a life saver! My boyfriend and I got a 12 week old Borzoi puppy. The breeder we got him from (we wanted this breed and a breeder was the only way) said he was an accident from their champion having relations with another dog at the show, so he was super cheap. He admitted they had to keep him separate from the other dogs. When we got him, he would flinch at everything and had HORRIBLE nightmares to the point he would wake up screaming. If we held his scruff, he would scream like we were killing him. It was clear that breeder had abused him. We called animal control and got them shut down, but the poor puppy was having trouble sleeping through the night due to panic attacks and horrible nightmares. His panting and whining would keep us up all night and we tried everything to calm him down. My boyfriend even slept with him on the floor in hopes it would help.....then we got these. For the first night since we got him (it's been 2 months), he slept peacefully through the night. He is 60lbs and I only gave him one chew. Within 15 minutes, he would out. No panting, no nightmares. And the next day he was in such a playful and happy mood. I love love love these chews. They absolutely work. Thank goodness our puppy can live an anxiety free life.

Our rescue dog has serious anxieties. Four months of calm, quiet, and consistent routine has hardly made a dent in her fears. Example: after we moved a ten inch decorative pumpkin on the hearth she cowered and shook violently in a separate room for two days, refusing to eat or drink. She is still too afraid to explore the house. Walks are out of the question. In desperation (and with Halloween night approaching with lots of doorbell ringing) I purchased the calming bites. She was a different dog! She was playful, only barked one time at the doorbell, and didn't shake or cower once! Count me as a skeptic turned Believer!

Ever since my Loki began taking these Calming Bites, he has not been the same. Before, he would bite and scratch himself from being so anxious and now he seems like a normal dog again. Would recommend!


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