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Are you shampooing?

Are you shampooing?

For most people who wash your hair are a daily or weekly routine depending on the frequency you want to clean it or be advised.

But do we really need to wash hair regularly or all?

Sometimes hair care can become a boring task and can eventually cost an arm and one foot!

Throughout history, think about historical time, people will worry about washing hair?

Most likely is that no, so why do we find it so important?


Different shampoo or hair cleaning forms have been used since the 1800s and at that time you are recommended to wash your hair once a month.

In 1927, a German inventor Hans Schwarzk

After that, in the 1930s, an Ohio-based company called Procter & Gamble launched the first synthetic shampoo.

Since then, the shampoo market continues only

In the 1970s, many advertising campaigns were created to encourage every person to wash their hair every day and since then it has become the standard.

You might think that using shampoo is amazing for your hair because it cleanses, but in fact, it can be quite harmful.


The theory of NO-POO method is that our hair contains natural oil and by using shampoo with harsh chemicals inside can remove these natural oils.

This makes your hair in a bad condition and creates dependence on the use of shampoo to treat your hair.

By not using shampoo, you are saving your hair from this artificial disaster and will have better hair.

It can be difficult to cut shampoo, so alternatives are sometimes used, things like apple vinegar, baking soda or can only use water as a gentle detergent for your hair.

The key to having fresh hair and does not wash it simple, but it's a long process.

On our scalp, we have natural sebum oil producing and releasing oil when hair starts dry.

Every time we wash their hair, it drys it and although you can use hair conditioner to smooth your hair, the route will still produce oil.

If you wash your hair every day, then the routes will be produced too much to compensate for dry hair and in turn, this will lead to greasy roots.

This can lead to hair washing and can lead to whether you want to rinse and so you are stuck in a vicious circle.

Depending on the type of hair, the product is used earlier and the frequency you use shampoo, it may take about 2-6 weeks for routes to return to a normal healthy oil production routine.

So during this time, your hair may look great and may feel fat because of excess oil, but it is on the way to recover.

There are many tips and tricks to make the transition easier, such as combing your hair more often to distribute oil through hair.

Sometimes the best approach is to cut the number of times you shampoo each week, and gradually make it less and less.

By selecting using natural products replacement or even using water only, you have benefited.

Not only for the health of your hair which is for your lifestyle.

Shampoo and some hair products can contain high toxic chemicals, while it's not good to use on our hair and skin once it is swept into the sewer that can really harm the environment if it can.

The chemicals used can harm wildlife and waterways.

These products can also cost a lot every month or whenever you need to add.

There are products in your home doubling as a great hair cleanser.

As mentioned before the kitchen items such as vinegar and baking soda can be used to clean your hair, this will save you money over time.

There are also a variety of products based on essential oils or even recipes to create your own cleaning mixes that will leave your hair smell and feel great.

This means you can also cut your waste.

By using water or products without chemicals or do not wash them all, you will allow hair to restore natural oil and return to a healthier state.

In addition, it means you will have more free time!

There may be benefits to wash hair with shampoo, even synthetic substances containing chemicals.

By shampooing, you are removing dirt and dust from your hair will help reduce odors.

If you buy aromatic soap or shampoo, this will make your hair smell fresh and fruit, will help this.

If there is a fat hair that makes you down, the shampoo is a quick fix to give you a bit confident to promote that special day

A common misunderstanding is lice like dirty hair.

However, this is a legend when they don't care about the cleanliness of the hair, they after any hair fibers so they can eat blood.

Washing hair multiple times will not escape them because they can withstand sinks in water for hours!

After reviewing the study was carried out by both medical and him

In most cases, there are few medical reasons for why you should wash your hair or use some shampoo.

So unless you have a pre-medical condition that may be affected by this, why not try it and how long you can go without shampooing.


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