Daily Scorpio Horoscope November 21 (21/11)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

November 21


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 9/10

Back in the 60s, a French mathematician discovered something he called The Catastrophe Theory. In truth, there was much revealing and enlightening about his discovery than there was catastrophic. It was based on the theory that situations can alter suddenly, without warning and transform themselves instantly. If youre in need of optimism where you see only a reason to feel pessimistic or even beaten, prepare to see how suddenly a situation can transform for YOU!


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

It might be time to revisit what you made a conscious decision to detach yourself from or push to one side in the belief it didnt deserve your time and attention. You probably had valid reasons for doing so, too but in the light of changing circumstances, the sky speaks now of something seen as uninspiring being revived. Once you see for yourself the reasons for returning focus to this once again, youll likely embrace it like an old friend.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 7/10

For a Water Sign, you often display many classic Earth Sign qualities. These include sensibility, practicality and an ability to see situations realistically. Your sensitive side masks another side to you that prides itself on identifying the most effective and sensible way to do anything. Its these skills that are likely to come in handy this week as the Sun squares your ruler, Pluto. Youre about the see the reality of a certain situation - and will feel justifiably proud from doing so!


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

We know when were required to tell someone what we know they want to hear. Were often willing to play the game and appease those waiting for us to say the right thing. If we were mind readers, then such processes would be much quicker and easier but all we have are subtle clues about expectations were meant to match. This month, you look set to beat someone at their own game. Youll know better than they will what theyre expecting you to say and will say it admirably!


health scorpio daily

Star 8/10

Get in touch with your feelings today and communicate them to those you care about. Use the celestial energy to empower your own relationship with yourself as well. Like with any relationship, ask yourself what you really want from yourself: a healthier lifestyle? More friends? Less time at work? More fun on the weekends? This kind of honest chat with yourself will create changes more quickly than you may think. Start with now. What would make you smile?


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

The main benefit of the physical component of your sign lies in stimulating the energy around the third chakra. There are many ways to do this and often times "sex" can be one of the more complicated ways, especially with the current position of the planets. Try a simple yoga class two or three times a week and you will notice your energy rise and flourish.


health scorpio weekly

Star 7/10

Try to stay grounded. In order to do this, it helps to look after your body. Exercise, get enough rest, and eat healthful food. All of these activities will help keep your nervous system functioning well. You wont panic if things dont go perfectly - and things rarely go perfectly. There could be a few challenges, but youll be able to cope.


health scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

One practice that may be useful over the next month or so is to feed your nerves with plenty of oily fish and B vitamins. If youve been under stress or pressure for any reason, getting enough vitamin B12 can be particularly essential. As well as taking supplements, the cosmos also encourages you to channel this excess energy into activities that leave you feeling relaxed and focused rather than scattered and restless. Daily workouts are particularly helpful, especially if you can manage something aerobic. Jogging or similar activities that require a degree of stamina could leave you feeling much better.


love scorpio daily

Star 7/10

You may have quite a profound effect on someone elses relationship today. Your actions and your body language may be communicating one thing, when in fact on a conscious level you are not aware of what you are doing. Just observe how others react to you and then notice the part you may be playing in encouraging such a response.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

Love will not be found in the same restaurants, clubs, or coffeehouses as usual. Today you will see that eating out needs to be a totally new and different experience. Although you are not usually enamored by hot, spicy, or foreign dishes, you would benefit by at least trying something a little avant-garde. The potatoes may not taste the same, but your love life may improve.


love scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

Youre very independent, which can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to dating. You dont need anyone, which can be intimidating to some prospective dates but a big turn-on for others. Navigating the dating waters is tricky, but being an intuitive Water Sign helps. You have keen observation skills that come in extra handy on a date over the weekend. Dont be afraid to call someone out if you think theyre fibbing.


love scorpio monthly

Star 9/10

You arent just messing around when the Moon leaves Scorpio on November 1. Your emotions are intense, and youre looking for a soul mate not just a playmate. When the Taurus Full Moon illuminates the sky on November 14, you go out of your way to avoid messy or complicated situations. You hold tight to your beliefs, and youre seeking someone like-minded to share your life with. The Pluto/Jupiter square on November 24 brings an extremely willful desire to move ahead (which could be a problem if the right person isnt in your life right now). Being alone is better than settling.


career scorpio daily

Star 8/10

The truth is revealed. Embrace this truth and act on it instead of shying away and pretending that it doesnt pertain to you. Face the facts and you will find that what happens as a result is in the best interests of you and the people around you.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

Now is your chance to get out some of the pent up anger and frustration that you have surrounding your career. Others are happy to listen and provide you with the sympathy and understanding that you are looking for. Feel free to open up and share.


career scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

You seem to have fallen in love with schedules, plans, and strategies. The more time you can spend working out your problems on paper, the happier you seem to be. This is great as long as you get to implement them. If youre using this as a way to avoid confronting your work issues directly, youll lose out. Activity in your work zone suggests that you may be sabotaging your success at some level. Reflect on this and find out why.


career scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Youll reap significant rewards from a business partnership or association midmonth. Your professional stature will rise thanks to this alliance. It will be easier to get calls returned and meetings with influential executives. Youll also be able to easily persuade people to support your agenda. A moneymaking proposition at the end of November will look tempting, but be cautious. There could be hidden taxes and fees that severely undercut your profits. Ask to see all the literature involved and read it carefully, especially the fine print. If a salesperson seems evasive when you ask detailed questions, steer clear of this deal.



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